Invitational status is always contingent upon your finish time from the previous year's race.  

We get many questions asking about extenuating circumstances for keeping invitational status due to medical, family emergencies, and more.  We cannot advise you in matters of entry into the race via the technical support channel.  

Please refer to the Dipsea Race Website and "How to Enter" section specifically.

In general any hard-luck and/or sob stories can be submitted for any runner, any year along with their application.  No guarantee of an exception are made, each is evaluated by race officials on a case by case basis.  Sending such stories to the technical support volunteers, while they may be interesting, is not a technical issue and therefore outside the control of our volunteers.

Please refer again to the official entry process, the application instructions, and race rules.  

If you need to make a correction to an ONLINE application- print it as usual, highlight the change requested, and place a note by paperclip to the upper left corner of your application bringing attention to your correction/update.  Any additional pages can be attached as needed.  ALL DEADLINES still apply and exceptions are not made.


Dipsea Race - FAQ

Dipsea Race - Runners Information and Rules

Dipsea Race - Application Process