You must use the email address we have on file for you, from last year's race application.  If your password does not work, you can reset it and a link will be sent to your email address on file.  Follow that link and you can set another password.  (Do NOT continue to hit reset password as this could lock you out of your account - please allow 12-24 hours before requesting your password to be reset again, making sure to check your spam/junk folder, and disable any blocking services you may use.)

All last year runners are in the online application system IF you provided a valid email address.  If you did not, you cannot use the online system.  You must wait until the application is available for download according to the details posted on


  • Must use the email address you provided on last year's applicaton
  • If you forgot your password, you can click to reset your password and you will receive an email with instructions. 

  • Only registered users can use the online application system
  • Only one email address to one runner application and one runner to one email address allowed.

  • You cannot create an account on the system, previous year's registered participants are automatically entered into the online application system IF they provided an email address.